Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Top Ten Tuesday [32]

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish that allows bloggers to share their top ten lists for that week’s topics

Top Six Characters Everyone Loves But I Just Don't Get

1 - Gale Hawthorne - The Hunger Games - I'm very much not a fan of Gale's, and no, it's not because I totally in love with Peeta.  Gale is a jerk, especially as the series progresses, I don't understand how/why people love him.

2 - Ron Weasley - Harry Potter Series - I'm specifically talking about Ron from the books they completely changed his character in the movies.  I love Ron in the movies, Ron in the books?  I wanted to punch him in the face more often then not, he's so self-centered and he's an imbecile.  The only thing he has going for him is that he was able to befriend the boy who lived before anyone else had the chance, oh, and he knows how to play a good game of chess.  Why Hermione fell for him I will never understand, she could do so much better.

3 - Bill Compton - Sookie Stackhouse - Again, from the actual books not the TV show, they really like changing awful characters into better ones for the screen.  Bill is such a creeper.  As the series goes on you realize how truly awful he is.  Sookie is lucky she was able to mostly cut ties with him and only has to deal with him under Erik's protection.

4 - Lola Nolan - Lola and the Boy Next Door - Lola was the only character in the entire series that I just didn't get.  I like her, but I couldn't relate, at all.  And it did take me a couple reads to actually like her.  I think the main thing that bothers me about her is that she has to dress up extravagantly and make a spectacle of herself.  It's as though she does that to hide who she really is, which is an awesome person - why else would Cricket love her or Anna and St. Clair be friends with her?

5 - Ky Markham - Matched - I didn't totally hate Ky, I just didn't understand the appeal of him.  Also, Xander, way better, and with a way cooler name.

6  -Jacob Black - Twilight - Jacob is super creepy and rapey.  Of course they made him more palatable in the movies, but in the books it was a kid trying desperately to get with Bella, like forcing himself on her.  Not cool.


  1. I was going to disagree on Jacob but realized I never made it through the books. I probably would have found him creepy too. My TTT

  2. It's funny how many lists Gale and Peeta have landed on this week! As for Jacob, I never got the rapey vibe from him. He was just a regular kid who liked a girl to me.

    My TTT.

  3. Gale was on my list this week too.
    My TTT: https://jjbookblog.wordpress.com/2016/03/08/top-ten-tuesday-47/

  4. I agree with Gale. I didn't like him from the beginning. He also made my list!
    My TTT.

  5. I never got a creepy vibe from Jacob- from Edward yes, but I got the same vibe Allyson did about Jacob. It's always interesting to see how other people interpret the same words differently than you did!

  6. DEFINITELY agree with Bill Compton being on there! He was such a drag, I don't know why they kept popping him up as long as they did in the series! Jacob, though, gonna have to disagree haha. Could be a creep, but compared to Edward (who did make it on my TTT list) was a saint!

  7. I attempted to read Matched but I actually ended up DNFing it...I just couldn't do it.

    Check out my TTT.
