Tuesday, March 1, 2016

February Round Up

My February

Hey guys! I'm still alive.  Life has been crazy lately.  The renovation is still going on at my house (since October, I'm getting super sick of it!) and I've kind of been in a reading slump.  Alexander Hamilton is amazing, but it's so blasted long!  I've only completed one book so far this year, and I keep putting off writing a review for it.  Along with being overworked and coming home to a construction zone I did something stupid, I bought a PS4...then this happened.

Nate is so awesome, I love him!  But then my friend kept talking about the game he started playing, so I abandoned Nate and started playing the new game... I'm coming to the conclusion that my friend is a bad influence, he needs to stop finding things to obsess over, because he talks about to the point where I start getting into it and I get equally obsessed.  First Hamilton and now this:

I spend pretty much every free second playing this game, it's really not good, but the game is really really fun.  Not only does my friend play, but my brother plays to, so it's something we can do together since he lives almost 4 hours away.  I'm trying to readjust my schedule to accommodate reading and gaming, but my current Destiny obsession is just too great and the books I've been reading are so dense.

Right before my obsession got to be full force I even started writing a bit, something that I haven't done since high school, but that turned into I need to do way too much research that the internet isn't helping much with.  And of course, it took away from Destiny time.

One amazing thing happened this month (actually since the New Year since I haven't done one of these since December) I got to see Book of Mormon!! So good, so amazingly good.  I love Trey Parker and Matt Stone!

I went into the city with one of my best friends kind of on a whim, but it was an amazing day, things were still set up from Valentine's Day so there were golden hearts in Times Square which were pretty cool.  We also killed time in Forever 21, and unfortunately it looks like 90s fashion is back.  Hooray for pleather and overalls!

I'm still getting my OwlCrates, and I really should do more unboxing stuff, but they get delivered to work and how crazy things have been I didn't even open this month's until I got home and looked in was like AMAZING! then put it back in the box to play Destiny...did I mention I have a really bad problem with that game?  But I digress, in January I got an awesome Dumbledore pop figure.  He's now joined Loki and Yoda as my work desk guardians.

I'm intrigued by the January book, Words of Ink and Shadow.  It's about the Bronte sisters, I've never read their works, so I'm really not in too much of a rush to read it.  Not to mention it doesn't fit into my current historical period obsession (founding of the US)...or the time period for the research I need to do (1910s).

February's box was way cooler, I can't wait to pick up The Love that Split the World.  That one's been on my TBR for a while.  There was also an awesome tote bag with all the couples from the Lunar Chronicles!  

February's Artsy Stuff

So, I didn't really do anything in February.  Not even my nails - it's difficult to play well while not smudging the nail polish!  March should have much more.  I signed up for a jewelry making class to learn new tricks and skills.  My first class is tonight so I'm excited!

February Blog News

Because of the renovation I had to clear out all of my bookshelves, and now I'm refilling them, but in doing so I'm doing my best to purge books.  There's going to be a huge giveaway (similar to the summer one, a few winners that get a nice collection of books each) at some point in the near-ish future.  I'd like to have it done by May, but we'll see how ambitious I am.  There's going to be a small giveaway this month, so keep your eyes open for that.

I'm trying really hard to get back into the swing of blogging.  The reno should be done at the end of March, so by mid April my life should get back into some semblance of a routine, so bear with me for another month or so.

I meant to keep up with the Top Ten Tuesdays and Waiting on Wednesdays, but for the former, the topics haven't been much fun and required too much of my time to figure out what I'd do for them, and the latter...I'm lazy.  And I typically write entries while at work but I've been so swamped since December that my back log got used up and now Thursday mornings I go 'crap! I missed both days, oh well, next week!' rinse, recycle, repeat.  I actually went to do a TTT today then realized I forgot to write up this post. 

Be patient with me!  TTT and hopefully WoW will resume next week and tomorrow respectively. Good things are coming in the future, I just need to stop playing my PS4 and get stuff done!  At the very least in May/June there will be (hopefully) lots of reading on my travel days.  That is, unless my friend gives me something new to obsess about while we're away.

I'm also going to be updating the blog links and stuff as well.  The twitter link doesn't work (thanks for that Words and Peace!) and I'm not sure what else doesn't work, so I'll be looking into that.  

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