Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Top Ten Tuesday [27]

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish that allows bloggers to share their top ten lists for that week’s topics

Top Ten Resolutions I Have for 2016

1 - Finish Les Miserables by Victor Hugo (I'm over halfway done, but I've been working on it since 2005)

2 - Read the two books that have been sitting on my night stand for over a year - Rodin's Lover and Les Adventures de TinTin before I go to France in May.

3 - Beat Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time.  I haven't been playing this one too long (for me) only a year or so, but I do want to finish it before it drags on too long.

4 - Beat Persona 4 before Persona 5 is released.  This one will be trickier, I'm almost done with it, but Uncharted is so much more entertaining at this point!  And my PS4 is shiny and new :)

5 - Watch The Last Unicorn.  My best friend has been telling me to watch it for years, I finally got a copy fall of '14 and I still haven't watched it...

6 - See more Broadway shows.  2015 was a poor showing, only 4 (espcially compared to 2014 when I saw 9!).  So far I have one confirmed: Hamilton (!!!!!!!!!!) so I need to work on what other shows I'm seeing.

7 - Start learning Swedish again.  I was really into it last year, but then I stopped and never got back into it.

8 - Catch up and stay caught up with my TV shows.  I really only stay on top of Doctor Who.  I at least need to with iZombie and I'm so far behind on Verbotten Liebe, I don't even know if it's even worth it since Christian left the show, but it ended so I should at least watch Ollie to the end.  Not to mention all of my other shows I love and can't seem to keep up with.

9 - Reach my weight loss goal.  This is a big one for me, I tend to self-sabotage a lot when I'm trying to lose weight, so I'm going to try really really hard not to this time and actually achieve my goal - and maintain it.

10 - Stop being passive about certain things in life.  Another big one for me, I hate being forward with stuff, I kick back and wait for things to happen to me.  It's never worked out well in the past and I really want to try to overcome that so things can actually have a chance to work in my favor rather than not start at all.

1 comment:

  1. Good luck with all your 2016 resolutions!
    My TTT:https://jjbookblog.wordpress.com/2016/01/05/top-ten-tuesday-38/
