Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Top Ten Tuesday [31]

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish that allows bloggers to share their top ten lists for that week’s topics

Top Five Fictional Boyfriends
I know I did my ten top fictional crushes here, but this is boyfriends, fictional guys I'd absolutely love to be real so I can date them (and marry Thorly)

1 - Thorliff Bjorklund - Red River to the North / Return to Red River - Have I mentioned how much I love Thorly?  I've been in love with him since, probably the third book in the Bjorklund saga (because it started when he was 5, and a 12 year old crushing on a 5 year old is weird).  He's smart (and an author to boot!), tall, blonde, and those Bjorklund blue eyes...

2 - Josh Wasserstein - Isla and the Happily Ever After - So I like the artist types...and really smart guys.  Josh is brilliant, and super sweet, even if he makes completely idiotic mistakes, he knows exactly what to do to redeem himself.

3 - Etienne St. Clair - Anna and the French Kiss - What's not to love about Etienne?  He's so cute and charismatic.  Utimately I don't think it would work out between us, but that's fine, he and Anna really are perfect for each other.

4 - Cricket Bell - Lola and the Boy Next Door - Another really smart guy (who's also really tall), and another sweetheart.  Can I get a guy who draws a star on the back of his hand because I'm always on his mind?  

5 - Briar Moss - The Circle of Magic / The Circle Opens - Another crush of mine I've have since I read the books.  He's also fairly smart and loves plants, and a bit of an artist.  Those tattoos?  Awesome!

Top Five Fictional Couples

1 - Will and Lyra - His Dark Materials - They're so sweet together, and their relationship quite literally save the world.  I'm still hoping for a fourth book for them.

2 - Scarlet and Wolf - The Lunar Chronicles - If there ever were a couple completely devoted to each other it's them.  No matter what was thrown at them the came out stronger and more in love than ever.

3 - Alanna and Jon - Songs of the Lioness - Yeah yeah, everyone seems to prefer Alanna and George, but I loved her and Jon together.  It was so clandestine and they're great together!

4 - Elizabeth and Darcy - Pride and Prejudice - You can't have a list of best fictional couples and not include them.  They are like the fictional couple.

5 - Varian and Cathlin - The Leopard Lord - They were destined for each other, and their love was so great they were able to overcome everything.


  1. <3 Cricket Bell <3
    I actually couldn't stand St. Clair...But I guess I'm in the minority! :|
    Great Top Ten!
    My TTT! :)
    Dreamland Review.
